Dec 28, 2014

Space cleansing tips , for a better year

    Small token of gratitude for you, because you read what i write ;) 
     It’s that transitive time of the year, once again.  The point in time, at which we all, despite its festive tone, feel the extra stress, and the extra burden. We long to release the ills and pains, misfortune and fails, and jump right on the success bandwagon. Should we fail, we easily fall into depressive mood and then self-pity ourselves in desperation.  The truth is, life is complicated and it rarely comes out all perfect just at the end of December, to conveniently make this transition pain-free and all “birds and bees” as it were.
Holly attracts  benevolent spirits to the house

     Once we fall prey to such, mass-produced and vulgarly perpetuated elusive and counterfeit notions, we can and will only harm ourselves, preventing the actual grow and success. It’s like the notion, that If You don’t have a Valentine, on Valentine’s day, You are an epitome of failure.
     So rather than obsessing with where You will spend New Year, what to wear, and will You have someone to call “yours” on that particular eve, focus on harnessing the power of the moment.  Tune to the spiritual forces of new beginnings, blockbusting and road opening, hope, chances and opportunities. It’s not really that hard.   But to be successful in something, You ought to make sure that there are no things dragging You back, pulling You down, like rusty, heavy chains. Spiritual cleansing and clearing, is something people foolishly neglect, particularly at this time of year. You would not keep Your physical body grimy, filthy and unpleasantly smelling, but You are ok with all kind of spiritual debris, and impurity? I don’t think so. What You don’t see, can definitely harm You, and badly too. 
     In fact, many people who come to spiritual workers seeking uncrossing, need cleansing badly.  Spiritual filth accumulates, chocking Your subtle bodies, and deflecting the positive energy coming Your way. Likewise is with Your home or working place. Bad energy lingering around, equals bad productivity, and ultimately, frustration.
     Even If You don’t “have it all” this December, cleanse Yourself and Your home, and then You will have incomparably higher chances to attain what You desire. To accomplish your goals. To live prosperously, find a new lover, get a better job, move to a better place, get recognition and respect… You name it J
     This is the best (!!!) time of the year to not desperate, but instead deal away with, and cut ties with things, emotions, and conditions keeping us down. Here are a few tips.

Physical cleaning

     It may seem like common sense.   And it certainly should be, but why do majority of people then have problem of disposing of the things that not only have no  use anymore, but are maybe even horrid mementos to  the bad things that happened to us?  Prior to the New Year, do Your best to clean away the clutter in Your home, workplace, etc. As thoroughly as humanly possible. Dispose of the old, unnecessary thing that take space, and poke the eye.   If You have some clothes that You can’t force Yourself to get rid of, find a way to do so. I can not tell You what are the things which are obsolete in Your case, but there is a popular rule of thumb, as it were, saying that If You have not even though about something, let alone used it in  six month, it’s more than likely  something You need to let go off. Of course, this  is not physics, and we can not take this  concept as a “law”, but If You think of it, it does make perfect sense when it comes to things we like to hoard.
     In short, physical clutter, draws, and creates spiritual clutter. Spiritual clutter pulls You down and keeps You from progressing. Think about it, the next time the though: “oh I might need this, I can’t  toss it away… “ crosses Your mind. Hesitate, and it’s only going to get worse.
     Much like You will be bathed, and perfumed for the New Year’s eve, make sure Your house, bedroom, workplace etc. is as well. Filthy windows, dirty floors, dust covering the furniture, are all “bad Feng shui” y’a know J
     You can combine methods of physical cleansing with those of spiritual cleansing by using formulas and products, such as Chinese wash, or Florida water. A candle can both cleanse the air ( if beeswax, at least ), aromatize, as well as cleanse and bless spiritually, You just need to use it properly. 

Deep spiritual space cleansing

     Following are some tips, for cleansing tricks that usually require 3, 7 or more days to complete,
and require items to act as sponges, as it were, for spiritual energy. You arrange them strategically, allow them to drain, accumulate and trap every single particle of negativity and then dispose of them. This type of spiritual work should follow the physical cleansing to “seal the deal” and ensure that You are welcoming the new year with enough space and potential for positive energy. So without further ado; here are some practical tips, for this is a practical blog after all lol ;
·         Place a bowl of white rice in a room where You feel negative or unproductive energy might linger. Replace weekly, until you feel it has been enough.
           To swiftly sponge-out bad energy from a room or a house, chop unpeeled onion into quarters, and place each piece in a corner of the room. Allow them to stay overnight, then bury them in the ground the next day. Do this for 5-7 nights.
·         Similarly, people place a whole brown chicken egg in each corner, but keep them there for seven days. Then they either flush them down the toiled or bury in the ground.
·         Dissolve a small square or chunk of Camphor into metal pan of water and keep under bed for seven days. This is particularly beneficial in case You have troubled sleep or visitors from   the   other plains of existence.
·         Keep a cup or bowl of Vinegar with a pinch of salt in it, as close to the center of the room as possible. It might smell   not-so-good, but it will clear away unwanted presences, and bad energy. Replace weekly.
·         Slice lemons in half. Place them on plates with salt, and arrange strategically  throughout the room or house. Some of these will go bad after 24 hours or even less, and these should be replaced immediately. The lemons that go bad in such  short time  indicate a lot of negative energy, in place where they stood, but it also means they’ve absorbed and neutralized a good deal of it. Few more lemons with salt on the same place, and it should be cleared. If they don’t go bad for seven days, You dispose of them.
·         Pour some salt in four corners of the room, each room in house should be treated separately, if possible. You can place some salt in those small, disposable plastic coffee cups. Dispose of after 5 or 7 days, and repeat few times If You feel the need.
     Also you can arrange, and place Hematite, Quartz or Selenite, the more of them the merrier, somewhere in the room, to cleanse the stale energy, bring fresh one, stir things into motion and dispel negative energy.

Bath for cleansing and leaving the bad behind
·         Slices of Lemon
·         Salt
·         Florida water, or Holy Water
     In a bath, and take it sometime prior to the New Year ’s Eve. You can even make it into aerosol (dilute in water, obviously), take a shower, and then spray it on oneself and leave it to air dry. You can use this as a room spray as well, spraying around house to remove  the negative energy.

Draw luck floorwash

     After You have cleaned and cleansed Your home, early on the 1st January ( ideally, but this can be done on 2nd, 3rd and so on ) pour some Conjure water in a bucket of spring water, add a some cinnamon infusion and a smallest pinch of brown sugar, and scrub the floors from the front door inwards to draw fortune, and abundance in Your home.
    In case You don’t already know, Conjure water, is what they consider to be the most popular formulae in New Orleans style Hoodoo, and is a 10% solution of Essential oil of Citronella , in alcohol. It’s both a powerful cleansing and luck drawing agent.

Well, I hope that You will have a wonderful upcoming year, that You will be healthy, happy and prosperous. May Your wishes and dreams come true, and may G’d bless you. Thank You for reading, and  many blessings!

With love, Shadow J

NOTES: This article was written and created by myself, hence If You wish to use any parts of it elsewhere online,  feel free, but add credits  Shadow of the Shadows magick place, or a direct link to this post

IMAGE CREDITS: The first  image is a courtesy of the  amazing and lovely Graphic’s fairy , used here for illustrative purposes without  any ill will

Nov 27, 2014

The Symbolism and magick of stars

"The Star Tarot card holds that same twinkly hope and promise we see when we look up at the stars in the night sky. Everything about the card suggests serenity, assurance, and hope."
Avia Venefica, from

     The little shiny dots appearing on firmament in the night, to dispel the pitch black darkness of cold universe, and provide hope, by shining their beautiful light upon Earth, have always been important focus points for humans. Stars were prominent symbols in human culture as long as we can remember writing down that very culture in some way. Pictographs be it. 
"The Great pentacle of Solomon" from the
"Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses",
though in actuality a pentagram, reputed to;
protect from black magick, gives one
freedom from fear, clear mind sunny disposition,
and good judgment in all things, according
to Anna Riva's "Secrets of magickal seals"

     They are archetype symbols present in many religious and secular traditions around the globe, both past and present.
     In Guatemala and Peru, folklore describes stars as souls of the righteous, dearly departed human beings, while Inks extend the concept to even animals, and believe that every human and animal have a sort of doppelganger  in  the sky, and these are seen at night as stars.  For Siberian Yakutsk shamans, the stars were windows to the space, their opening and closing, enable or prevented entrance to the higher realms.  In the earlier societies, observing the stars was an integral part of the society, and originally, astronomy and astrology  were one, and could not be imagined separated. [1]
     Certain stars, even more than others, distinguishing themselves by their size, shape or recurrent and regular appearance, played an extremely important role for the ancients. Such as Morning/Evening star, and Pole star or North star, as the latter is also known.  Another prominent stellar symbol that deserves mention here is the falling star, which unlike the previous two could be any object in the sky, rather than a specific one.

The Morning star
     The Ancient Greeks had two names for planet Venus, “Phosphoros” when it was the rising star, which meant “light bearer” , and “Hespheros” when Venus was the “Evening star”. A third most bright object on the sky, after Moon, and Sun, hence, it’s easy to understand why it gained significance that it did. It was sometimes also referred to as  “Kupros”, because this was another name for pagan, Roman goddess Venus,  or the Greek Aphrodite, due to its association with the island Cyprus in Mediterranean sea. Also, the island being one of the first places where copper mines appeared, also links Venus with the metal copper [2]
     Hence the very planet, seen in Roman pagan’s mind as a sort of deity embodiment, came to be associated with metal copper, and term Morning/Evening star.
     However, the same attributes were used to describe this planet, considered star, in Babylonian and Assyrian traditions, where the star was associated with their pagan goddess Ishtar. While the star would disappear from the nightly sky for a while, only to re-appear before the sunrise, Babylonians believed that’s Ishtar descending on Earth to find a lover, and then returning to sky.
     Among the Native Americans the Morning star generally shares good symbolism, illustrating life principle or life, announcing the sunrise.  But to the Mexicans, the Morning star was associated with illness and sometimes misfortune, hence the folk would close the doors and windows in the morning, to prevent its harmful influence to enter their homes. In Mexican folk art, Venus aka the Morning star, is often depicted with bow and arrow, covered with a skull-shaped mask. [3]
    In some Christian traditions, this term “morning star”, from the Vulgate Latin: “Lucifer”, is used as another name for the De*il, or Satan. Lucifer is  the archaic ( vulgate ) Latin translation of  the Hebrew Hayel ( transliteration ), and has, under the influence of King James, been translated as “morning star” ( noun ) or “Light-bearing” ( adjective, sometimes also Light-bearer, thus a noun ). This however does not clearly identify the very planet with the concept, as the term “morning star” could be also referring to the Moon, other Biblical figures , or even other things, not planets.
    Supporters of such translation, which adhere to King James’ suggestion, consider the “morning star/son of the dawn” from the Old Testament, Isaiah 14:12-17 to be referring to the De*il and speak, about it’s fall from Grace:

How you have fallen from heaven,
    morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
    you who once laid low the nations!
13 You said in your heart,
    “I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
    above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
    on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.[
14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
    I will make myself like the Most High.”
15 But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
    to the depths of the pit.
16 Those who see you stare at you,
    they ponder your fate:
“Is this the man who shook the earth
    and made kingdoms tremble,
17 the man who made the world a wilderness,
    who overthrew its cities
    and would not let his captives go home?
” [4]

Pole or North Star

     While still being a specific star/planet, pole or north star ( If it refers to the Southern pole star, than it can also be called Southern star , or South star ) does change over the course of time, but has a clear and specific set of characteristics that make it what  such.

     “A pole star is a visible star, preferably a prominent one, that is approximately aligned with the Earth's axis of rotation; that is, a star whose apparent position is close to one of the celestial poles, and which lies approximately directly overhead when viewed from the Earth's North Pole or South Pole. A similar concept also applies to other planets than the Earth. In practice, the term pole star usually refers to Polaris, which is the current northern pole star, also known as the North Star.” [5]

     Other than being, a guiding and orienteering   referent point, the pole star berries important symbolism and folkloric meaning particular among Northern Asians and Europeans.

     Mongols see it as a “golden pillar” and for the Sami people, of Northern Norway, Pole star is world’s pillar. To people in Northern Asia, the North Star marks the top of the World’s mountain, on which the supreme creator God resigns, and hence why, in the Northern Asian regions altars are placed on North. In China, the Pole star, seen as, top of the sky, as it were, is illustrative of social hierarchy, representing the emperor as the central figure in human societies. The star also “appears” in some Vedic martial ceremonies, sometimes symbolizing the groom. [6]

The Falling star

     Any given shooting star, or falling star, hence, a meteor that appears falling down on Earth, or actually falling on Earth, can be called that.

     No matter culture, or tradition, globe-wise they are seen as ominous.  Most of the time, these are seen as sparks of Heavenly fire, and are messengers of G’d, somewhat similar to the Angels. Though sometimes they are harbingers of great catastrophes, calamities or misfortune.

     And in Christianity, the term Fallen Star or Falling star, is what more properly, and specifically refers to Adversary ( the De*il ) as opposed to the Morning star. Sometimes this falls is perceived as shooting star fall, because the De*il was cast down much like star, or lighting also:

“And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”” [7]
     There is a widespread superstition, around the world, to wish upon a falling star , to have You wish come true.

     Falling stars should not be confused though, with stars that appear to fly slowly across the sky and guide people, as was the case with star who showed the way  for the Three Magi, leading them to the infant Jesus, to whom they have brought gifts in gold, frankincense and myrrh. This star was however, in reality, the Archangel Gabriel.

Star shapes, symbols and their magickal properties

     Star shapes, ideograms and symbols, by their innate form possess, carry and channel magical energy, of difference vibrations, depending on the numbers of “rays” and other.  They are religious symbols and ambles ( like Pentagram and Hexagram ), and often form crucial part of the magickal seals, amulets and pentacles. Some often used in magick variations include;   those with five, six, seven, eight and nine points.

     A pentagram, a well-known five pointed star, drawn unicursaly ( without lifting the pen ), is a religious symbol of Neo-Pagans, and Wiccans respectively. But it’s really a magical symbol that predates both. It’s symbolizes unity of four classical elements; Earth, Air, Fire and Water with the Spirt or Ether.

In order of appearance, from left to right: Five pointed star, without the lines crossing,
it was at some point used as symbol of Ishtar, next; a classic, regular or positive Pentagram,
Last Salus-Hygiea pentacle talisman

In western occultism, a pentagram is often identified with pentacle, which is a pentagram carved into gold or silver disc, or rarely copper one. In essence, any seal consisting of a circle with geometrical figure inscribed in it, touching the circumference, is a pentacle. Solomon’s pentacles attest to this.So these metal discs, pentacles, with the pentagram inscribed ( mostly from the “noble” metals, silver and gold ) are considered  magickal seals with extraordinary qualities, such as augmenting magickal, and spiritual powers, protection from and exorcism of evil, even enticing earthquakes,  inducing love, or casting spells.   Some also contained Divine Names, or magickal words and formulas inscribed on them.

For example, the Pentagram with inscribed words: “Salus; Hygiea” was commonly worn inscribed on rings during Middleage, as a talisman to draw good health and longevity, often covered with a Garnet faceted stone. Such pentacle was also believed to encompasses the five Platonic solids, with its five points.

Also, another famous example is “The Pentagram of Solomon” from “Clavicula Solomonis” which has to be engraved on Gold or Silver plate, and worn on chest to protect from spirits during invocations in Ceremonial magick, according to Greater Key of King Solomon:

THIS is the Form of Pentagram of Solomon, the figure whereof is to be made in Sol or Luna (Gold or Silver), and worn upon thy breast; having the Seal of the Spirit required upon the other side thereof. It is to preserve thee from danger, and also to command the Spirits by.” [8]

Pentagram is also associated with Archangel Samael, and is along with the sword, one of his symbols, which is befitting for an Angel of Mars, as five is the correspondent to Mars.

This is probably needless to say, as the popular media have made the following notion widespread; upright, or upwards pentagram, where the singular point is up, is the symbol of protection and positive magick, and embodies a concept of “spirit over matter”. Inverted, with the two points facing upwards, and one, singular, pointing down,  is oftentimes used in theistic Satanism, and luciferianism, as a symbol of  ( black magick ) sabbatic goat, or plainly the De*il, with the two points up symbolizing the horns. One of such forms is the so called; “Seal/Sigil of Baphomet” popularized by Antoan La Vey, but originating from a 19th century French occultist’s writings. Whatmore the very symbol is copyrighted and acts as religious ambled/ symbol. Ironically, the very symbol makes little or no sense at all, having the names Samael and Lilith inscribed, of which one is, as we know, an Angel ( not a fallen one ) in Christianity and Judaism, and other is a demon, but neither of two being the De**l. Also according to the canonical literature, the two (Samael and Lilith) are unrelated, and can rather be seen as opposed forces than consorts. Here is what Eliphas Levi says about inverted pentagram in his famous work “Transcendental magick, its doctrines and ritual”:

"A reversed pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. It is the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns, a sign execrated by initiates."
For Levi, Pentagram was symbolic of microcosmos, that is human, as he saw it, so it’s not unlike Agrippa’s conceptualism of Pentagram ( see picture ). In Christianity, pentagram is seen as either symbol of Five wounds of Christ, or Five joys of Mary  in Catholic Christianity, and can be seen as pattern in Christian art and architecture.

    The Hexagram, of the six pointed star, is another familiar symbol, which can be seen on the flag of Israel. Hexagram with a black dot inside the center is an old, archaic-German symbol for the verb: ‘”to boil”.
A true Hexagram with equidistant points, cannot be drawn unicrusaly, in fact, it’s made of two interlacing triangles.  And this fact lends to symbolism of Hexagram, also known as Magen David and Star of David in occultism
·         Being that it combines an upward and downward facing triangle, Hexagram represents unity of opposing principles, male and female, sometimes also, physical and spiritual.
·         In Alchemy Hexagram combines all four classical elements, even symbolically, being that the symbols for elements are four triangles, for air and fire facing upwards, water and earth opposite.

In order of appearance, from  left to right: Hexagram, Hexagon and
Hexagram with Tetragrammaton in the center

      The Hexagram in the circle, touching the circumference at six cardinal points is a traditional symbol of Alchemy. It has also later been used as symbol of Rudolph Steiner’s Anthroposophy movement
·         This intertwining of triangles, and worlds they represent (physical and   spiritual) also illustrates the Hermetic principle:  “As above, so bellow!” [9]

Hexagram is also present in Christian though and art, due to prominent triangle symbolism in Christianity, an example being Robert Flaud’s hexagram from XVII century, although that particular pentacle is not equidistant. Similar Hexagram is created in the XIX century by the famous scholar, and mystic Eliphas Levi.
Eliphas Levi's "pentacle of Solomon"

Another common example is the Hexagram with the unutterable, infallible name of G’d written/inscribed in center, which is believed  to ( in the hands of the believing ) confers the wearer power to defy evil spirits, and cause both good and evil spirits to appear during invocations, and  make them obedient. In fact, some magick practitioners use the Hexagram (and sometimes Hexagon) shape to create magickal portals.

Also, Hexagram can be inscribed in, or even expanded to Hexagon, a six sided, equidistantly sided geometrical polygon, associated magically with number six and; communication, interfacing, balance, union. [10] Hexagon is a common pattern in nature found in bee combs, and is considered in architecture to be one of the most perfect shapes to work with to form different, complex shapes, without decrease of stability of the resulting structure.

Hexagram and Hexagon also make for the basic patterns used in creation of complex sacred geometry shapes such as Fruit of life.
Heptagram and Octagram, various forms

     Seven pointed star or Septagram, or Heptagram, embodies the same spiritual qualities that the number 7 does. It’s a symbols of spirit, power, mystery, luck, and sometimes is associated with Seven Archangels. It can also be a planetary symbol, for either drawing or banishing a specific planetary influence of seven different planets, depending on how drawn, that is from which point the operator starts. A notable examples are “The great pentacle” appearing in the Key of Solomon, and in the Legemton ( Goetia ), of which the Key of Solomon speaks:

It should be written on sheepskin paper or virgin parchment, the which paper should be tinted green. The circle with the 72 divine letters should be red or the letters may be gold. The letters within the pentacle should be the same red, or sky blue everywhere, with the great name of God in gold. It serves to convene all spirits; when shown to them they will bow and obey you”  [11]

Another prominent example is “Sigilum Dei Aemeth” (lit. The Seal of G-d’s truth) or the Seal of
John Dee's "Sigilum Dei Aemeth" in gold,
on display in British museum, not the
Hepagram, heptagon and pentagram
in the center 

British museum, note septagram, septagon and pentagram in the center 
Truth of Dr Dee, which was primarily constructed from a large Heptagram and Heptagon, inscribed with Divine names and symbols.  Dr. John Dee would make five of these, inscribed in waxen discs,  four placed under the legs of his ritual table, and one bellow a shrew stone, placed on them middle of the table. This was done during   his Enochian workings, to enable him (along with other things) communication with Angelic beings.  [12] It’s similar to “The Great pentacle of Solomon”.
Seven pointed star, especially with sharp pointed, narrow rays, is also called an “Elven star” and is used both as an amulet or charm, and in workings of Fairy magick, where it is believed to attract and favors Fae. It’s sometimes inscribed on purple candles which are then burnt for spiritual growth and developing gifts.

     Octagram, or eight pointed stars was used to represent pagan goddess Ishtar. There were two basic versions Babylonian one, which was encircled and the Phoenician one, which was not.  In the form of Octagram of creation, image of which I have posted in one of my previous articles dealing with Samhain, is a symbol of materialization, creation, collecting/accumulating magickal power, and invocation of protection among the Gnostics and Nordic people.

     Enneagram, also Nonagram, or the nine pointed star, in Christianity, is a symbol of nine gifts or fruits of the Holy Spirit. [13]

NOTES: This article was written and composed by myself, If You wish to use any parts of it, elsewhere online,  feel free, but add credits,   Shadow of Shadows magick place,  or a direct link to this post

[1] As stated in:  “Illustrated Encyclopedia of signs and symbols” by Marc O’ Connell and Raje Airey
[3] According to the same source as listed under [1]
[4] Retrieved from: , for educational and explanatory purposes
[5] Wikipedia’s definition, retrieved from Wikipedia’s entry on Pole star; , posted here for explanatory and educational purposes, without any ill will
[6] According to the source listed under [1], adapted
[7] Retrieved form:     for explanatory and educational   purposes:
[8] As stated in the “Greater Key of King Solomon” ( or “Clavicula Solomonis” ), retrieved from :
[9] Hexagram symbolizing “As above so bellow” principle, as stated here:
[11] Retrieved from: , for explanatory  and educational purposes without any ill will

IMAGE CREDITS: First image is a pentacle from “Sixth and Seventh book of Moses”, edited digitally by myself here, used for illustrative purposes. Second image is created by myself.   Third image is created by   myself. Fourth image is from  used here for illustrative, and explanatory purposes, with no ill will. Fifth image is by myself. Sixth image is in public domain, retrieved from here

Nov 23, 2014

Fixing Your finances, the Hoodoo style

     Holidays ahead, and our wallets are probably going to get shocked. And badly. It’s only normal, of course, as it is only human to want some additional income to heal Your finances afterwards, or prepare for extra spending. I’m sure we can all agree, that bills (and people, institutions and the very system behind them) care little, whether we had to buy presents for our family this month, or go on that long-planned holiday.

     Luckily Hoodoo is full of works and “spells”* for this, ranging from money drawing, over “money stay with me” type of work, to business and luck work. All of those, are rather different approaches to the same goal, than works with different aim. Or at least they can be.
     The lavish body of spells, tips, and works in Hoodoo, targeting financial gain, stability, abundance and increase, are probably the result of ingeniousness of African American slaves, who had to figure out new, resourceful ways to get money. The Code Noir, or the “Black codes” as known in States, pretty much restricted rights of African people, “blacks” if I must, to own property, conduct business, purchase or lease land… hence, really, limiting their income to what their “employer” was ready to provide, which was hardly ever enough for normal, human dignifying life. And human beings do amazing things, when they focus, or when they are forced to focus, on solving problems. That’s how we got on the top of the animal kingdom.

     With the arrival of the mail order suppliers, and later online suppliers, and even plainly with the right of literacy coming to power, money spells and works gained even more momentum in Hoodoo, and consequently became more popular, more “profotable” and, obviously, more complicated and demanding in the terms of ingredients. If You take a look on Gamache’s** candle spells, for example, they will often require, as absolutely necessary, at least a few types of candles and few types of oils, powders, incenses etc. even for the most simple works. This, in my humble opinion, is nothing but a faux notion of popular Hoodoo marketers, and their catalogues. More so when it demands strictly specific and targeted oils, powders etc. The truth is, If You want to do some kind of money conjure, You will either need formulas specific to Your case, or any of the general formulas. And hardly ever more than two types. If any kind of simple “hoodoo spell” requires more than 3, or 4 formulas, its strongest effects is probably to deplete You of Your money, or to banish that evil money of yours, from your wallet, and right into hands of marketers.

     Just think about it, If You are out of money, and in desperate need for some income, can You really afford Yourself to purchase around 100$ ( 75 Euros approximately ) worth of supplies, for one, or at best few rituals? I can hardly imagine it.

     It really does not need to be that complicated. Rather than obsessing about all the specific ingredients, it would be better to do some divination, and see If some kind of other type of Hoodoo work is also needed, or even better suited for the given case. Maybe You actually need help in finding a better suited job? Maybe someone had crossed your finances, in which case the money drawing magick alone, will do little, If anything, least You get uncrossing and protection first.
And in money drawing work You can use many things interchangeably, many formulas and curious. Maybe some spellbook, or the occult suppliers insist ( often aggressively ) that the money work can only be efficient with combining four types of their brand oils in candle dressing, but this is simply not true. You can use Bayberry root oil, Hoodoo Money drawing condition oil, Lodestone oil, Hoodoo drawing/attraction oil , heck even Fast luck, to dress Your lodestone charm for money. Any of the listed will work fine, and combining all five, won’t do better. Shi shi oil, is a traditional Hoodoo oil reputed to end poverty. If You can get that one, You can used it in plethora of different money works.

     So as I said, rather focus on divination prior to work (again, use what divination method You are familiar with, and apt in) and timing. Best time for preforming money spells are days and hours of Sun and Jupiter, and preferably  during the waxing Moon phase, or on the night of the Full Moon, If You adhere to the notion of Moon’s influence on spiritual work. Some Hoodoo practitioners do not, others do.

     Candles You would like to use are green, gold, yellow ( for let’s say success in Your business ), purple ( to sway Your boss to give You a raise, let’s say ), red ( for fast luck )  and alike, depending on Your specific aim and approach. Black green double action candles are ideal, If Your case requires uncrossing or banishing of evil influences, as You can save Yourself from the   trouble of doing the two works separately. Finally, a very traditional, and handy tool in Hoodoo money conjure working, is the green pyramid candle. It combines the auspicious color and shape that draw abundance and wealth.

     Some other traditional ingredients and curious You might consider are Green rice ( rice with addition of powdered/pulverized dollar bill/s ), Bayberry root, lodestones,  two dollar money “bills” and silver dime. All are rather easy to obtain, not overly expensive, and very helpful in most of the money works, that is they are very versatile.

     Now, when You have considered all types of work that need to be done, and perhaps chosen the beneficial timing, here are a few ideas to get You started, that do not require too much, but work just as fine, or even better that those 25-ingredients-listed spells.

     If Your finances have been crossed, You need to do some uncrossing work. Either general uncrossing work on oneself, or any kind of money uncrossing work. The following ritual I composed is aimed to remove money crossings, which are most of the times accomplished by “laying tricks” and are tied to Earth, most often the very ground in Your yard, and Your home/house in general.

To undo a crossing that has caused poverty in home


  • Flakes of Alkanet
  • Basil leaves
  • Mint
     Mix, and If You feel so inclined, powder the botanicals. Sprinkle the mixture throughout your house, and in your yard. The next day, sweep (with a broom) the mixture from Your house, moving towards Your front doors, as You speak some affirmation along these lines:

All the crossings killing my money have been destroyed, and as I wipe these herbs out, I wipe out misfortune from my home, and bring in the abundance, fortune, peace and stability. In the Name of God Father, God Son, and God Holy Spirit. Amen!”

     Then fumigate your home with mixture of Frankincense, Cloves, Basil, Blue flag root and Sandalwood. Or you can use “Money drawing”,  or “House blessing” (sometimes also known as “House dressing”) hoodoo incenses that can be obtained at occult suppliers.
To seal the work, after you have fumigated your home with the incense, light a white blessing or peace candle, around which you've placed four coins, each coin on one of the four cardinal directions.

     Following is a spell against poverty, a jar or bottle spell, and I really prefer for this type of work because it can be easily adapted into a continuous practice. All You need to do is to occasionally light another candle atop the jar and say Your prayers. Because it contains Alfalfa and Fenugreek, it will make money stay with You longer as well.

Hoodoo jar spell against poverty and to keep money staying with You

In a jar place the following:

  • Eight table of the Sun ( seal ) from the  Seventh Book of Moses, on the bottom of the jar
  • A blessed lodestone atop the seal, fed by magnetic dust and few drops of Shi Shi oil
  • Green rice, abundantly sprinkle over the seal and lodestone
  • Alfalfa herb
  • Fenugreek seeds
     Place Your palms atop the jar and pray for financial stability, and enough money to live peacefully and without debts. Close the jar and set a double action black-green candle atop it. Black part up, green part up. You can also plainly use a offertory green candle, but in case that Your condition is long standing, and possibly a result of bad luck or crossing, the double action candle will work much better. Either way, dress the candle with Shi Shi oil, and during the hour of Jupiter, light the candle and read the following:
Psalm 23rd
Psalm 37th verses: 18, 19,
     If You suffer from bad luck when it comes to finances, also add Psalm 57th
Let the candle burn all the way down. Keep the jar either in the kitchen or on some elevated spot in Your house.

     The following spell, is not Hoodoo spell sensu-stricto, it’s rather a spell that comes from Russian folk magick, but You will notice that it’s  quite similar to Hoodoo spells. Substitute the chant for Psalms, and Sesame seeds for Green rice, and You have a “proper” Hoodoo spells, If these elements bother You that much

Money drawing and stability jar spell

     This spell should be done between 2.30AM and 4.30AM, preferably some Thursday.
Have many metal coins which are used in your country (they can be the smallest value/denomination the actual value is not really important for the spell) ready, and a mixture of sugar, salt, garlic and sesame seeds.

     Now light one red and two green candles, and inside a clean jar, make a layer of coins, then sprinkle some prepared mixture over it, then atop it place another layer of coins, then sprinkle
with the mixture again and so on,  until You have almost reached the top of the jar.
As you do it, you may speak a soothing chant. For example:                            

As these items I know lay,
Money will keep coming my way!”

It serves to both draw the money, and keep it from abruptly going away. [1]

This  following, quite simple formula is intended to get You money swiftly when You really need it. I based it on Judika Illes’ suggestion.

Oil of need

In a base oil combine:
·         *  Basil, leaves or essential oil***
·        *  Bergamot essential oil
·         * Pinch of powdered Cinnamon
·         * OPTIONAL: Patchouli leaves or essential oil, few drops [2]

     It can be used to dress a green candle to be burnt on a square You've cut from grocery bag. On the square of paper should be written the amount of money You need, as well as Your name.  You can also lightly dress the paper itself, corners and central point, marking in thus in the quincunx pattern. The candle should be burnt 15 minutes per day, until it’s gone all the way. You can bury  the remaining  material ( from the ritual ) in Your yard.

Simple money mojo

In a green mojo bag, place a charged, fed lodestone around which You have wrapped a two dollar bill. Add also a pinch of  any of the following herbs:  Basil, Cinnamon, Patchouli, Bayberry root, Allspice berries, or a pinch of brown sugar If You lack those. Dress the mojo with some soothing condition oil, Holy water,  or plain Hoodoo all-purpose oil , or even with some whiskey, If nothing else is available to You at the moment. Carry with You. 

There, hope these tips can help You to get around the money Hoodoo “spells”, and perhaps even solve Your problem.

As a bit of lagniappe, there check out this traditional, and powerful “Hoodoo money drawing candle conjure”  by Momma Star, or the Old Style conjure. I know I will surely give it a try ;) 

Also learn how to fix the home to be blessed, happy, and abundant, doing a Hoodoo style, traditional ritual with the "Blessed home" Hoodoo formulas

Can Hoodoo help You win the lottery ? Well while the chances are  quite  slim,  I'd say, You could still give a read to this "Hoodoo spell to win the lottery", provided by lovely and cunning Miss Talia Felix, If for no other purpose than to read something interesting :)

Blessings and  lots of LUV

Shadow !

NOTES: This article was written and composed by myself. If You wish to use any parts of it  elswhere online, feel free, but add credits:  Shadow of Shadows magick place, , or a direct link to this post

*While I use the term “hoodoo spell” quite often myself, even on this blog, it’s really a misnomer. Hoodoo people/rootworkers, do not cast spells, they perform spiritual work, or simply work, do conjure, or tricks etc. The term “spell” is plainly and simply inadequate to describe Hoodoo spiritual work, of any kind. But to keep it simple, and understandable to the broad public, it’s easier to use the term spell
**Henry Gamache, in case You do not already know, is a prominent occult and Hoodoo books  and pamphlets, 20th century author, especially well-known for his “Master book of Candle Bunring” ( 1942. ) , and “Protection against the evil”, the later originally published as “Terrors of the evil eye exposed”
***The formula allows use of Basil laves instead of essential oils, but, If You are in a hurry and need the oil right away, this is OBVIOUSLY not an option. Because raw material must be macerated in condition oil either for weeks in cold maceration, or for hours by warm maceration, that is using a double boiler. You can read about how to make spiritual oils on this very blog ++

[1] Adopted, and translated from occult magazine published in Serbia, Belgrade, called “Bakini recepti za srecu I ljubav” by myself. More about the magazine here: Currently, I can not recall the exact issue number, If I do, I will add it here
[2] Judika Illes, in her book “Magick when You need it; 150 spells You can’t live without” gives a spell called: “Shopping bag full of cash” where she suggests dressing green candle, in a similar ritual to  one described here, with essential oils of basil and bergamot ( “Dress a green candle with essential oils of basil and bergamot” ),  and the oil I provided here is based on that suggestion, with added Cinnamon for a touch of luck and speed, and optional Patchouli, both for stability and protection of the money, and for possible uncrossing. So while optional, the addition of Patchouli is quite helpful here. 

The first image is taken, and edited by myself. The second is edited and adapted by myself, from the  vintage mason jar image, public domain, courtesy of lovely Graphics Fairy, available here: 
The third image/artwork was created by myself, text and desing.